I pull apart books so they can continue to live and enrich
others with their grace and beauty.
A book on a shelf does nothing for anyone. I mean, really. The *idea*
of a vast personal library is lovely and all, but ... really? It is only when
the book is opened, read, admired, studied that it is being "used". And
how many books can one have open at a single time?
And, as much as everyone saaaaaays they love books ... how large
is your library? How often do you open the odd volume?
If I am to cut into a volume, I will read the book first, if I'm
able. And there are many times where the volume with which I'm working is
completely un-read-able.

I'll be the first to admit that I cannot pass by these sales.
I'm completely, emotionally and physically incapable of passing them by.
At this particular and very dramatic flea market, I found books
stacked tremendously high on the cafeteria folding tables ~ browsing through the titles, one after another, I discovered that the books were
sealed shut from moisture and gruesome mold. Those good people running the
market either didn't care the donated books were glued shut or, really what
would be worse, they didn't notice.
On one particular selling site (a site from which I'm slowly divesting
my goods), it's become the hipster kewl thing to create listings of group books
together and sold as "room decor". Like everything else on that
site, books have become a 'faux' style.

And so ... this is where I am with this book. I’ve already mentally
set aside a good two dozen chromolithographs which I'll keep. And I'll take
some photographs of the book, complete and untouched, first.
I always keep the Frontispiece, whenever possible. But the rest
... ? Tomorrow, my trusty X-acto and I will free the beauty that is within
this book.
I've begun listing them in Le Petit Poulailler on Zibbet, here.
Karen.....love the images. Also like the manner in which you are presenting the zibbet shop.
July 28, 2010 at 8:42 AMThanks, Jan! That's lovely to hear ... I'm have great fun with it all xo
July 28, 2010 at 10:23 AMPost a Comment