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Treasury Roll Call, 10 06 13 Sarah K Designs

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

'On A Whim' ~ that's the lovely Treasury from Sarah which you see below.

It is for certain that I do not do enough things 'on a whim'. My days are over-organized of late: tasks and deadlines, requirements, bills, appointments. Structure.

I'm in sore need of more whim in my life. One would think that, at this point in my life (at 50-mumblemumblemumble), the Art of Whim would be making a strong comeback. Whimsy, whimsical ... whim.

But it just isn't so: my life is and has remained very structured and ordered and I can only wait in hope of that second childhood where whim and mimsy will take over.

A beautiful treasury from the most lovely and vibrantly whimsical Sarah K xo Thank you!


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